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Film Title: 02 Oracle
From: Sebastian Diaz Morales
Description: Rätselhafte, flüchtige, nicht verortbare Bilder – sind sie Zeichen einer Zukunft, die wir bloss zu entschlüsseln brauchen? In «Oracle» versucht Diaz Morales die gemeinhin als real verstandene Gegenwart mittels seiner, während zehn Jahren auf Reisen eingefangener, Bilder zu erschüttern. Zitat Diaz Morales: «Future is something that intrigues me. It is a theme which I keep on exploring by different means on my work. I tend to break the possible or given reality of a place or era on my video/films. The way and elements of the present come together to form a parallel idea or concept of what we understand for ‹the real›. Through this transportation the works tend to create distance from our daily perception. Oracle does a reading on the essence of things, things which are common today but that can create certain abstraction on time.»
Year: 2007
Format DVD
Length: 11:30
Land: Argentina
